Notes as of March 07 2012 10:36:50.

This list is the current text file of things to do that I hold locally with the project. It's not particularly readable outside of my head but might give some ideas as to where Legends of Yore is going. The list gets updated with the release.

- mod saves
- final quest
  - Visit 4 leaders, unlocks the place beneath the frozen town
  - Enter dungeon, town portals don't work
  - 7 levels down meet the dragon (kill and he tells you that you'll be slain)
  - 7 levels meet Deathbringer, slay him to win
WebOS Release:

- Focus on touch pad only
- Big screen
- Orientation handling

Next Release:

- Fading text now a possible given it's not active rendering any more?
- Players page shows achievements
- More mage spells
- Chain reaction spells?

Next Release:

- Gambling
- Hardcore mode updates
- Treasure maps with random location and random treasures
- More recipes